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Roman Krems


Research and Teaching Interests

Our work is at the intersection of quanum physics, machine learning and chemistry on problems of relevance to quantum materials and quantum technologies, including quantum computing, quantum sensing and quantum algorithms. We are particularly excited about applications of machine learning for solving complex quantum problems and applications of quantum hardware for machine learning.  If you would like to work as a graduate student or a postdoc on any of the areas highlighted in the diagram below, get in touch. Our research is particularly well suited for graduate students, looking to build an academic career in theoretical physics/chemistry or a career in high-tech industry with focus on machine learning and quantum technologies. 



Group picture (summer 2022) - clockwise from center: Jun, Divya, Ethan, Pranav, Ludka, Dawn, Elham, Dmytro, Katherine, Wucheng, Roman, Kasra, Xuyang




Our team (spring of 2021), clockwise from machine learning: Elham, Kasra, Ludka, Jun, Dawn, Tom, Katherine, Wucheng, Olesya







Our research group (2016): Tirtha, Rodrigo, Tianrui, Josh, Roman, Jie, John, Daniel 


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Office Hours: 
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Curriculum Vitae

Professional Record at UBC

​   Distinguished University Scholar (2017 - present)

   Professor (2013 - present)  

   Associate Professor (2009-2013)

   Assistant Professor (2005-2009)


Professional Preparation

   Postdoctoral Fellow, 2003 - 05, Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms, Department of Physics, Harvard University

   Ph.D., 2002, Goteborg University, Sweden 

   SAO Predoctoral Fellow, 2001-02, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, Massachusetts 

   Undergraduate degree, 1999, Moscow State University, Russia


Editorial Board Positions 

   Editorial Board Member, Machine Learning: Science & Technology (2020 - present)

   Editorial Board Member, New Journal of Physics (2017 - 2020)

   Advisory Board Member, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2010 - 2019)


Awards and Honors

   UBC Killam Teaching Prize (2017)

   Named Distinguished University Scholar by the University of British Columbia (2017)

   Elected Member of the College of the Royal Society of Canada (2016)

   Elected Fellow of the American Physical Society (2015)

   Named Kavli Fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (2015)

   Charles A McDowell Award for Excellence in Research from UBC (2014)

   Keith Laidler Award from the Canadian Society of Chemistry (2013)

   NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement Award (2009)

   Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies Early Career Scholar (2007)

   Harvard-MIT Center for Ultracold Atoms Postdoctoral Fellowship (2003-05)

   Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Predoctoral Fellowship (2001-02)



    See Google Scholar profile



Vargas-Hernández, R. A. ; Sous, J. ; Berciu, M. ; Krems, R. V. Extrapolating Quantum Observables With Machine Learning: Inferring Multiple Phase Transitions From Properties Of A Single Phase. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 121, 255702.
Sous, J. ; Chakraborty, M. ; Krems, R. V. ; Berciu, M. Light Bipolarons Stabilized By Peierls Electron-Phonon Coupling. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 121, 247001.
Vargas–Hernández, R. A. ; Krems, R. V. Quantum Walks Assisted By Particle-Number Fluctuations. Phys. Rev. A 2018, 98, 022107.
Cantin, J. T. ; Xu, T. ; Krems, R. V. Effect Of The Anisotropy Of Long-Range Hopping On Localization In Three-Dimensional Lattices. Phys. Rev. B 2018, 98, 014204.
Fuchs, S. ; Bennett, R. ; Krems, R. V. ; Buhmann, S. Yoshi Nonadditivity Of Optical And Casimir-Polder Potentials. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 121, 083603.
Huang, J. ; Liu, S. ; Zhang, D. H. ; Krems, R. V. Time-Dependent Wave Packet Dynamics Calculations Of Cross Sections For Ultracold Scattering Of Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2018, 120, 143401.
Kamath, A. ; Vargas-Hernández, R. A. ; Krems, R. V. ; Carrington, T. ; Manzhos, S. Neural Networks Vs Gaussian Process Regression For Representing Potential Energy Surfaces: A Comparative Study Of Fit Quality And Vibrational Spectrum Accuracy. J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 241702.


Sous, J. ; Chakraborty, M. ; Adolphs, C. P. J. ; Krems, R. V. ; Berciu, M. Phonon-Mediated Repulsion, Sharp Transitions And (Quasi) Self-Trapping In The Extended Peierls-Hubbard Model. Scientific Reports 2017, 7, 1169.
Godsi, O. ; Corem, G. ; Alkoby, Y. ; Cantin, J. T. ; Krems, R. V. ; Somers, M. F. ; Meyer, J. ; Kroes, G. - J. ; Maniv, T. ; Alexandrowicz, G. A General Method For Controlling And Resolving Rotational Orientation Of Molecules In Molecule-Surface Collisions. Nature communications 2017, 8, 15357.
Vieira, D. ; Krems, R. V. ; Tscherbul, T. V. Molecular Collisions And Reactive Scattering In External Fields: Are Field-Induced Couplings Important At Short Range?. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2017, 146, 024102.
Sous, J. ; Berciu, M. ; Krems, R. V. Bipolarons Bound By Repulsive Phonon-Mediated Interactions. Phys. Rev. A 2017, 96, 063619.
Fuchs, S. ; Lindel, F. ; Krems, R. V. ; Hanson, G. W. ; Antezza, M. ; Buhmann, S. Yoshi Casimir-Lifshitz Force For Nonreciprocal Media And Applications To Photonic Topological Insulators. Phys. Rev. A 2017, 96, 062505.


Krems, R. V. Effects Of Electromagnetic Fields On Molecular Scattering. Advances in Chemical Physics 2016, 159, 313.
Cui, J. ; Krems, R. V. Efficient Non-Parametric Fitting Of Potential Energy Surfaces For Polyatomic Molecules With Gaussian Processes. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2016, 49, 224001.
Vargas-Hernandez, R. A. ; Krems, R. V. Engineering Extended Hubbard Models With Zeeman Excitations Of Ultracold Dy Atoms. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2016, 49, 235501.


Tscherbul, T. V. ; Krems, R. V. Tuning Bimolecular Chemical Reactions By Electric Fields. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2015, 115, 023201.
Cui, J. ; Krems, R. V. Gaussian Process Model For Collision Dynamics Of Complex Molecules. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2015, 115, 073202.


Cui, J. ; Li, Z. ; Krems, R. V. Collision Lifetimes Of Polyatomic Molecules At Low Temperatures: Benzene-Benzene Vs Benzene-Rare Gas Atom Collisions. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2014, 141, 164315.
Li, Z. ; Krems, R. V. ; Heller, E. J. Collision Dynamics Of Polyatomic Molecules Containing Carbon Rings At Low Temperatures. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2014, 141, 104317.
Wallis, A. O. G. ; Krems, R. V. Magnetic Feshbach Resonances In Collisions Of Nonmagnetic Closed-Shell (1)Sigma Molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2014, 89, 032716.


Herrera, F. ; Madison, K. W. ; Krems, R. V. ; Berciu, M. Investigating Polaron Transitions With Polar Molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2013, 110, 223002.
Tomza, M. ; Madison, K. W. ; Moszynski, R. ; Krems, R. V. Chemical Reactions Of Ultracold Alkali-Metal Dimers In The Lowest-Energy (3)Sigma State. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2013, 88, 050701.
Cui, J. ; Krems, R. V. Elastic And Inelastic Collisions Of (2)Sigma Molecules In A Magnetic Field. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2013, 88, 042705.
Lemeshko, M. ; Krems, R. V. ; Doyle, J. M. ; Kais, S. Manipulation Of Molecules With Electromagnetic Fields. MOLECULAR PHYSICS 2013, 111, 1648-1682.
Xiang, P. ; Litinskaya, M. ; Shapiro, E. A. ; Krems, R. V. Non-Adiabatic Control Of Quantum Energy Transfer In Ordered And Disordered Arrays. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2013, 15, 063015.


Lemeshko, M. ; Krems, R. V. ; Weimer, H. Nonadiabatic Preparation Of Spin Crystals With Ultracold Polar Molecules (Vol 109, 035301, 2012). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2012, 109, 049901.
Lemeshko, M. ; Krems, R. V. ; Weimer, H. Nonadiabatic Preparation Of Spin Crystals With Ultracold Polar Molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2012, 109, 035301.
Suleimanov, Y. V. ; Tscherbul, T. V. ; Krems, R. V. Efficient Method For Quantum Calculations Of Molecule-Molecule Scattering Properties In A Magnetic Field. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2012, 137, 024103.
Alyabyshev, S. V. ; Lemeshko, M. ; Krems, R. V. Sensitive Imaging Of Electromagnetic Fields With Paramagnetic Polar Molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2012, 86, 013409.
Xiang, P. ; Litinskaya, M. ; Krems, R. V. Tunable Exciton Interactions In Optical Lattices With Polar Molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2012, 85, 061401.


Dulieu, O. ; Krems, R. ; Weidemueller, M. ; Willitsch, S. Physics And Chemistry Of Cold Molecules. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2011, 13, 18703-18704.
Herrera, F. ; Krems, R. V. Tunable Holstein Model With Cold Polar Molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2011, 84, 051401.
Suleimanov, Y. V. ; Krems, R. V. Efficient Numerical Method For Locating Feshbach Resonances Of Ultracold Molecules In External Fields. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2011, 134, 014101.


Perez-Rios, J. ; Herrera, F. ; Krems, R. V. External Field Control Of Collective Spin Excitations In An Optical Lattice Of (2)Sigma Molecules. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2010, 12, 103007.
Herrera, F. ; Litinskaya, M. ; Krems, R. V. Tunable Disorder In A Crystal Of Cold Polar Molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2010, 82, 033428.
Abrahamsson, E. ; Groenenboom, G. C. ; Krems, R. V. Spin-Orbit Relaxation Of Cl(P-2(1/2)) And F(P-2(1/2)) In A Gas Of H-2 (Vol 126, 184303, 2007). JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2010, 133, 109902.
Hemming, C. J. ; Krems, R. V. Collisional Decoherence Of Internal-State Superpositions In A Trapped Ultracold Gas. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2010, 81, 052701.
Tscherbul, T. V. ; Calarco, T. ; Lesanovsky, I. ; Krems, R. V. ; Dalgarno, A. ; Schmiedmayer, J. Rf-Field-Induced Feshbach Resonances. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2010, 81, 050701.


Zhu, C. ; Krems, R. ; Dalgarno, A. ; Balakrishnan, N. Chemistry Of Hydrogen Fluoride In The Interstellar Medium (Vol 577, Pg 795, 2002). ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2009, 703, 1176.
Alyabyshev, S. V. ; Krems, R. V. Controlling Collisional Spin Relaxation Of Cold Molecules With Microwave Laser Fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2009, 80, 033419.
Alyabyshev, S. V. ; Tscherbul, T. V. ; Krems, R. V. Microwave-Laser-Field Modification Of Molecular Collisions At Low Temperatures. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2009, 79, 060703.
Carr, L. D. ; DeMille, D. ; Krems, R. V. ; Ye, J. Cold And Ultracold Molecules: Science, Technology And Applications. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2009, 11, 055049.
Tscherbul, T. V. ; Suleimanov, Y. V. ; Aquilanti, V. ; Krems, R. V. Magnetic Field Modification Of Ultracold Molecule-Molecule Collisions. NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 2009, 11, 055021.
Li, Z. ; Krems, R. V. Inelastic Collisions In An Ultracold Quasi-Two-Dimensional Gas. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2009, 79, 050701.
Campbell, W. C. ; Tscherbul, T. V. ; Lu, H. - I. ; Tsikata, E. ; Krems, R. V. ; Doyle, J. M. Mechanism Of Collisional Spin Relaxation In (3)Sigma Molecules. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2009, 102, 013003.
Tscherbul, T. V. ; Groenenboom, G. C. ; Krems, R. V. ; Dalgarno, A. Dynamics Of Oh((2)Pi)-He Collisions In Combined Electric And Magnetic Fields. FARADAY DISCUSSIONS 2009, 142, 127-141.


Maxwell, S. E. ; Hummon, M. T. ; Wang, Y. ; Buchachenko, A. A. ; Krems, R. V. ; Doyle, J. M. Spin-Orbit Interaction And Large Inelastic Rates In Bismuth-Helium Collisions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2008, 78, 042706.
Tscherbul, T. V. ; Barinovs, G. ; Klos, J. ; Krems, R. V. Formation Of Slow Molecules In Chemical Reactions In Crossed Molecular Beams. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2008, 78, 022705.
Tscherbul, T. V. ; Krems, R. V. Quantum Theory Of Chemical Reactions In The Presence Of Electromagnetic Fields. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2008, 129, 034112.
Quemener, G. ; Balakrishnan, N. ; Krems, R. V. Vibrational Energy Transfer In Ultracold Molecule-Molecule Collisions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2008, 77, 030704.
Li, Z. ; Alyabyshev, S. V. ; Krems, R. V. Ultracold Inelastic Collisions In Two Dimensions. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2008, 100, 073202.
Hemming, C. J. ; Krems, R. V. Multiple-State Feshbach Resonances Mediated By High-Order Couplings. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2008, 77, 022705.
Krems, R. V. Cold Controlled Chemistry. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2008, 10, 4079-4092.


Abrahamsson, E. ; Tscherbul, T. V. ; Krems, R. V. Inelastic Collisions Of Cold Polar Molecules In Nonparallel Electric And Magnetic Fields. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2007, 127, 044302.
Groenenboom, G. C. ; Chu, X. ; Krems, R. V. Electronic Anisotropy Between Open Shell Atoms In First And Second Order Perturbation Theory. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2007, 126, 204306.
Abrahamsson, E. ; Groenenboom, G. C. ; Krems, R. V. Spin-Orbit Relaxation Of Cl(P-2(1/2)) And F(P-2(1/2)) In A Gas Of H-2. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2007, 126, 184303.
Grinev, T. A. ; Buchachenko, A. A. ; Krems, R. V. Separation Of Ortho- And Para- Hydrogen In Van Der Waals Complex Formation. CHEMPHYSCHEM 2007, 8, 815-818.
Li, Z. ; Krems, R. V. Electric-Field-Induced Feshbach Resonances In Ultracold Alkali-Metal Mixtures. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2007, 75, 032709.
Tscherbul, T. V. ; Klos, J. ; Rajchel, L. ; Krems, R. V. Fine And Hyperfine Interactions In Cold Ybf-He Collisions In Electromagnetic Fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2007, 75, 033416.
Krems, R. V. Molecular Physics - Set For Collision Course. NATURE PHYSICS 2007, 3, 77-78.
Abrahamsson, E. ; Krems, R. V. ; Dalgarno, A. Fine-Structure Excitation Of Oi And Ci By Impact With Atomic Hydrogen. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2007, 654, 1171-1174.


Tscherbul, T. V. ; Krems, R. V. Controlling Electronic Spin Relaxation Of Cold Molecules With Electric Fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2006, 97, 083201.
Krems, R. V. ; Jamieson, M. J. ; Dalgarno, A. The D-1-P-3 Transitions In Atomic Oxygen Induced By Impact With Atomic Hydrogen. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2006, 647, 1531-1534.
Buchachenko, A. A. ; Chalasinski, G. ; Szczesniak, M. M. ; Krems, R. V. Ab Initio Study Of Tm-He Interactions And Dynamics In A Magnetic Trap. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2006, 74, 022705.
Krems, R. V. Controlling Collisions Of Ultracold Atoms With Dc Electric Fields. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2006, 96, 123202.
Tscherbul, T. V. ; Krems, R. V. Manipulating Spin-Dependent Interactions In Rotationally Excited Cold Molecules With Electric Fields. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2006, 125, 194311.


Krems, R. V. ; Buchachenko, A. A. Electronic Interaction Anisotropy Between Open-Shell Lanthanide Atoms And Helium From Cold Collision Experiment. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2005, 123, 101101.
Pavlovic, Z. ; Krems, R. V. ; Cote, R. ; Sadeghpour, H. R. Magnetic Feshbach Resonances And Zeeman Relaxation In Bosonic Chromium Gas With Anisotropic Interaction. PHYSICAL REVIEW A 2005, 71, 061402.
Cybulski, H. ; Krems, R. V. ; Sadeghpour, H. R. ; Dalgarno, A. ; Klos, J. ; Groenenboom, G. C. ; van der Avoird, A. ; Zgid, D. ; Chalasinski, G. Interaction Of Nh(X (3)Sigma(-)) With He: Potential Energy Surface, Bound States, And Collisional Zeeman Relaxation. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 2005, 122, 094307.
Barinovs, G. ; van Hemert, M. C. ; Krems, R. ; Dalgarno, A. Fine-Structure Excitation Of C+ And Si+ By Atomic Hydrogen. ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 2005, 620, 537-541.
Hancox, C. I. ; Doret, S. C. ; Hummon, M. T. ; Krems, R. V. ; Doyle, J. M. Suppression Of Angular Momentum Transfer In Cold Collisions Of Transition Metal Atoms In Ground States With Nonzero Orbital Angular Momentum. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2005, 94, 013201.
Krems, R. V. ; Klos, J. ; Rode, M. F. ; Szczesniak, M. M. ; Chalasinski, G. ; Dalgarno, A. Suppression Of Angular Forces In Collisions Of Non-S-State Transition Metal Atoms. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2005, 94, 013202.
Krems, R. V. ; Klos, J. ; Rode, M. F. ; Szczesniak, M. M. ; Chalasinski, G. ; Dalgarno, A. Suppression Of Angular Forces In Collisions Of Non-S-State Transition Metal Atoms (Vol 94, Art No 013202, 2005). PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 2005, 94, 019902.
Krems, R. V. Molecules Near Absolute Zero And External Field Control Of Atomic And Molecular Dynamics. INTERNATIONAL REVIEWS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 2005, 24, 99-118.