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Worthy, S. E. ; Kumar, A. ; Xi, Y. ; Yun, J. ; Chen, J. ; Xu, C. ; Irish, V. E. ; Amato, P. ; Bertram, A. K. The Effect Of (Nh4)2So4 On The Freezing Properties Of Non-Mineral Dust Ice Nucleating Substances Of Atmospheric Relevance. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 2021, 21, 14631-14648.
Yun, J. ; Kumar, A. ; Removski, N. ; Shchukarev, A. ; Link, N. ; Boily, J. - F. ; Bertram, A. K. Effects Of Inorganic Acids And Organic Solutes On The Ice Nucleating Ability And Surface Properties Of Potassium-Rich Feldspar. ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY 2021, 5, 1212-1222.
Otani, H. ; Nakahara, H. ; Goto, H. ; Kuma, S. ; Momose, T. Electronic Spectroscopy Of Mg-Phthalocyanine Embedded In Cold Hydrogen Clusters Produced By A Pulsed Nozzle. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 155, 044309.
O'Brien, R. E. ; Li, Y. ; Kiland, K. J. ; Katz, E. F. ; Or, V. W. ; Legaard, E. ; Walhout, E. Q. ; Thrasher, C. ; Grassian, V. H. ; DeCarlo, P. F. ; Bertram, A. K. ; Shiraiwa, M. Emerging Investigator Series: Chemical And Physical Properties Of Organic Mixtures On Indoor Surfaces During Homechem. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: PROCCESSES & IMPACTS 2021, 23, 559-568.
Hoffarth, E. R. ; Kong, S. ; He, H. - Y. ; Ryan, K. S. An Engineered Biosynthetic-Synthetic Platform For Production Of Halogenated Indolmycin Antibiotics. Chemical Science 2021, 12.
Di, Y. ; Wasan, E. K. ; Cawthray, J. ; Syeda, J. ; Ali, M. ; Cooper, D. M. L. ; Al-Dissi, A. ; Ashjaee, N. ; Cheng, W. ; Johnston, J. ; Weekes, D. M. ; Kostelnik, T. I. ; Orvig, C. ; Wasan, K. M. Evaluation Of La(Xt), A Novel Lanthanide Compound, In An Ovx Rat Model Of Osteoporosis. Bone Reports 2021, 14, 100753.
Loos, J. N. ; Boott, C. E. ; Hayward, D. W. ; Hum, G. ; MacLachlan, M. J. Exploring The Tunable Optical And Mechanical Properties Of Multicomponent Low-Molecular-Weight Gelators. Langmuir 2021, 37, 105–114.
Liu, M. ; Cao, D. ; Bi, W. ; Chen, D. D. Y. Extraction Of Natural Products By Direct Formation Of Eutectic Systems. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2021, 9, 12049−12057.
Farinelli, G. ; Di Luca, A. ; Kaila, V. R. I. ; MacLachlan, M. J. ; Tiraferri, A. Fe-Chitosan Complexes For Oxidative Degradation Of Emerging Contaminants In Water: Structure, Activity, And Reaction Mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 408, 124662.
Ohno, P. E. ; Qin, Y. ; Ye, J. ; Wang, J. ; Bertram, A. K. ; Martin, S. T. Fluorescence Aerosol Flow Tube Spectroscopy To Detect Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation. ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY 2021, 5, 1223-1232.
Dehnen, S. ; Schafer, L. L. ; Lectka, T. ; Togni, A. Fluorine: A Very Special Element And Its Very Special Impacts On Chemistry. Inorganic Chemistry 2021, 60, 17419-17425.
Zhai, C. ; Hu, C. ; Li, S. ; Ma, Y. ; Zhang, Y. ; Guo, T. ; Li, H. ; Hu, X. The Formation Principle Of Micro-Droplets Induced By Using Optical Tweezers. NANOSCALE ADVANCES 2021, 3, 279-286.
Wang, R. ; Liu, M. ; Wang, H. ; Xia, J. ; Li, H. Gb Tags: Small Covalent Peptide Tags Based On Protein Fragment Reconstitution. BIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY 2021, 32, 1926-1934.
Higgins, M. A. ; Ryan, K. S. Generating A Fucose Permease Deletion Mutant In Bifidobacterium Longum Subspecies Infantis Atcc 15697. Anaerobe 2021, 68.
Ingham, A. ; Kostelnik, T. I. ; McNeil, B. L. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Choudhary, N. ; Jaraquemada-Pelaez, Mde Guadalu; Orvig, C. Getting A Lead On Pb2+-Amide Chelators For 203/212Pb Radiopharmaceuticals. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 11579-11595.
Maclean, A. M. ; Li, Y. ; Crescenzo, G. V. ; Smith, N. R. ; Karydis, V. A. ; Tsimpidi, A. P. ; Butenhoff, C. L. ; Faiola, C. L. ; Lelieveld, J. ; Nizkorodov, S. A. ; Shiraiwa, M. ; Bertram, A. K. Global Distribution Of The Phase State And Mixing Times Within Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles In The Troposphere Based On Room-Temperature Viscosity Measurements. ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY 2021, 5, 3458-3473.
He, H. - Y. ; Ryan, K. S. Glycine-Derived Nitronates Bifurcate To O-Methylation Or Denitrification In Bacteria. Nature Chemistry 2021, 13, 599-606.
Southcott, L. ; Wang, X. ; Choudhary, N. ; Wharton, L. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Yang, H. ; Zarschler, K. ; Kubeil, M. ; Stephan, H. ; Jaraquemada-Pelaez, Mde Guadalu; Orvig, C. H2Pyhox – Octadentate Bis(Pyridyloxine). Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 12186-12196.
Choudhary, N. ; Scheiber, H. ; Zhang, J. ; Patrick, B. O. ; Jaraquemada-Peláez, Mde Guadalu; Orvig, C. H4Hbedpa: Octadentate Chelate After A. E. Martell. Inorg. Chem. 2021, 60, 12855-12869.
Wagner, R. ; Ickes, L. ; Bertram, A. K. ; Els, N. ; Gorokhova, E. ; Möhler, O. ; Murray, B. J. ; Umo, N. S. ; Salter, M. E. Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Ability Of Aerosol Particles Generated From Arctic Sea Surface Microlayer And Surface Seawater Samples At Cirrus Temperatures. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 2021, 21, 13903-13930.
Garofalo, L. A. ; He, Y. ; Jathar, S. H. ; Pierce, J. R. ; Fredrickson, C. D. ; Palm, B. B. ; Thornton, J. A. ; Mahrt, F. ; Crescenzo, G. V. ; Bertram, A. K. ; Draper, D. C. ; Fry, J. L. ; Orlando, J. ; Zhang, X. ; Farmer, D. K. Heterogeneous Nucleation Drives Particle Size Segregation In Sequential Ozone And Nitrate Radical Oxidation Of Catechol. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2021, 55, 15637-15645.
Southcott, L. ; Wang, X. ; Wharton, L. ; Yang, H. ; Radchenko, V. ; Kubeil, M. ; Stephan, H. ; Jaraquemada-Peláez, Mde Guadalu; Orvig, C. High Denticity Oxinate-Linear-Backbone Chelating Ligand For Diagnostic Radiometal Ions [111In]In3+ And [89Zr]Zr4+. Dalton Trans. 2021, 50, 3874-3886. Invited for 50th Volume.
Maclean, A. M. ; Smith, N. R. ; Li, Y. ; Huang, Y. ; Hettiyadura, A. P. S. ; Crescenzo, G. V. ; Shiraiwa, M. ; Laskin, A. ; Nizkorodov, S. A. ; Bertram, A. K. Humidity-Dependent Viscosity Of Secondary Organic Aerosol From Ozonolysis Of Β-Caryophyllene: Measurements, Predictions, And Implications. ACS EARTH AND SPACE CHEMISTRY 2021, 5, 305-318.
Moore, B. ; Toh, S. Yi; Wong, Y. T. Angel; Bashiri, T. ; McKinnon, A. ; Wai, Y. ; Lee, K. Wing Aleth; Ovchinnikov, P. ; Chiang, C. - Y. ; Djuricanin, P. ; Momose, T. Hydrocarboxyl Radical As A Product Of Α-Alanine Ultraviolet Photolysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021, 12, 11992–11997.
Martens, I. ; Vamvakeros, A. ; Martinez, N. ; Chattot, R. ; Pusa, J. ; Blanco, M. Valeria; Fisher, E. A. ; Asset, T. ; Escribano, S. ; Micoud, F. ; Starr, T. ; Coelho, A. ; Honkimäki, V. ; Bizzotto, D. ; Wilkinson, D. P. ; Jacques, S. D. M. ; Maillard, F. ; Dubau, L. ; Lyonnard, S. ; Morin, A. ; Drnec, J. Imaging Heterogeneous Electrocatalyst Stability And Decoupling Degradation Mechanisms In Operating Hydrogen Fuel Cells. ACS Energy Letters 2021, 6, 2742–2749.