News & Events


Congratulations to Love-Ese Chile!

Love-Ese Chile, from the Mehrkhodavandi group, recently received the Macromolecular Science and Engineering division oral presentation prize at the 2016 Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition.

For more information:

Congratulations Dr. Curtis Berlinguette!

Dr. Berlinguette has been awarded the Rutherford Memorial Medal in Chemistry.  Berlinguette leads a team of researchers committed to translating fundamental laboratory discoveries in solar energy conversion technologies to commercial products. His program led the recent development of an entirely new class of stable and high performance chromophores for mesoscopic solar cells, and invented distinctive protocols for accessing state-of-the-art heterogeneous catalysts that form hydrogen fuels...

Dr. Takamasa Momose awarded 2016 George C. Pimentel Award

Congratulations to Dr. Takamasa Momose!

Dr. Takamasa Momose has been awarded the 2016 George C. Pimentel Award for advances in Matrix Isolation Spectroscopy. The George C. Pimentel Award has been awarded since 2005 to scientists who have made significant contributions in the field of matrix isolation. The award was presented at the CPLT2016 conference which took place in Biarritz, France in July 2016. Congratulations Dr. Momose!

For more information on the award:

Dr. Harry Brumer has been awarded the B.A. Stone Award

Congratulations to Dr. Harry Brumer!

Dr. Harry Brumer has been awarded the B.A. Stone Award for Excellence in Plant Polysaccharide Biochemistry at the XXVIII International Carbohydrate Symposium that took place in New Orleans, USA, 17-21 July ,2016. The award is sponsored by Megazyme International ("a global leader in the development, manufacture and supply of analytical reagents, enzymes and assay kits for the food, feed, dairy and wine industries."

Congratulations to Dr. Mel Comisarow!

Dr. Comisarow has been awarded the 2016 Fred P. Lossing Award of the Canadian Society for Mass Spectrometry.  The Lossing award is the Society's highest honour and is given to individuals to recognize their distinguished contributions to mass spectrometry in Canada. The award will be announced at Canada Night in the Waters Suite at ASMS (Tuesday evening of ASMS) and formally presented at the 21st International Mass Spectrometry Conference to be held in Toronto from August 20-26, 2016. ...

Congratulations to the 2015/16 UBC Undergraduate Chemistry Society!

2016 CSC Student Chapter Merit Award

Congratulations to the UBC Undergraduate Chemistry Society for being awarded the Canadian Society for Chemistry Student Chapter Merit Award third year in a row! The award will be presented on Thursday, June 9th at the 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition in Halifax. This award will be announced in the upcoming issue of ACCN, the Canadian Chemical News,

New Funding for Cancer Diagnosis

Chris Orvig, with colleagues from the BC Cancer Agency (François Bénard, BC Leadership Chair in Functional Cancer Imaging) and TRIUMF (Paul Schaffer, Associate Lab Director, Life Sciences Division and Caterina Ramogida, PhD 2015), has been awarded about  $719,000 in the Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP) program of CIHR and NSERC for their project "Theranostic Vectors to Treat Cancer with Radiometals”  which will combine the expertise of TRIUMF in radionuclide production and...

Congratulations Dr. Jay Wickenden!

Congratulations to Dr. Jay Wickenden who was recently awarded a 2015-2016 UBC Killam Teaching Award. UBC Science awards Killam Teaching Prizes each academic year to acknowledge outstanding contributions made by teaching faculty in Science. Nominations are made by students, alumni or faculty in recognition of excellence in teaching. Congratulations Jay! 

For more information:

Congratulations to Caitlyn Grypma De Jong!

Congratulations to Caitlyn Grypma De Jong. She is the recipient of the 2015/2016 UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award​.

UBC’s Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards have been given annually since 1996 / 1997. The award recognizes the valuable role that teaching assistants play in our undergraduate programs, sending an important message to students (both undergraduate and graduate) that UBC values teaching. With over 2000 Teaching Assistants working at the university,...

Congratulations to Chantal Mustoe!

Congratulations to Chantal Mustoe. She is the recipient of the 2015/2016 UBC Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award​.

UBC’s Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards have been given annually since 1996 / 1997. The award recognizes the valuable role that teaching assistants play in our undergraduate programs, sending an important message to students (both undergraduate and graduate) that UBC values teaching. With over 2000 Teaching Assistants working at the university, winning this...

2016 Department of Chemistry TA Awards

The 2016 Department of Chemistry TA Award recipients are Caitlyn Grypma De Jong, Chantal Mustoe, and Rosanne Persaud. Congratulations!

Postdoc receives UBC Postdoctoral Fellows Travel Award

Congratulations to Dr. Chengzhi He. He is the recipient of the UBC Postdoctoral Fellows Travel Award.

As part of UBC's ongoing efforts to support its young research talent, the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and UBC Science offer a travel award program for postdoctoral fellows. It is designed to assist PDFs with travel to conferences in order to present research performed at UBC. The...

Congratulations to Dr. Katherine Ryan!

Congratulations to Dr. Katherine Ryan! Dr. Ryan has been awarded the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship. The Foundation makes grants to support original research and broad-based education related to science, technology, and economic performance; and to improve the quality of American life. The Foundation makes grants to support original research and broad-based education related to science, technology, and economic performance; and to improve the quality of American life. Of the 126...

Congratulations to Dr. Curtis Berlinguette!

Dr. Berlinguette has been awarded the E. W. R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship as a recognition for his research and accomplishments. Up to six Steacie Fellowships are awarded annually to enhance the career development of outstanding and highly promising scientists and engineers who are faculty members of Canadian universities. Congratulations Dr. Berlinguette!
















Congratulations to Dr. Curtis Berlinguette!

Congratulations to Dr. Curtis Berlinguette! Dr. Berlinguette has been awarded the STREM Chemical Award for Pure or Applied Inorganic Chemistry for his outstanding contribution to inorganic chemistry while demonstrating exceptional promise. The award will be presented during the 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, which is taking place in Halifax from June 5-9, 2016. Congratulations Dr. Berlinguette!


For more information:...

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Wolf!

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Wolf! Dr. Wolf has been awarded the Rio Tinto Alcan Award for his distinguished contribution to the fields of inorganic chemistry. The award will be presented during the 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, which is taking place in Halifax from June 5-9, 2016. Congratulations Dr. Wolf!


For more information:

Congratulations to Dr. Mark MacLachlan!

Congratulations to Dr. Mark MacLachlan! Dr. MacLachlan has been awarded the CSC 2016 Award for Research Excellence in Materials Chemistry. He has been awarded for his outstanding contribution to materials chemistry. The award will be presented during the 99th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, which is taking place in Halifax from June 5-9, 2016. Congratulations on winning this distinguished award!


For more information:...

Congratulations to Des Lovrity!

Congratulations to Mechanical Engineering Supervisor, Des Lovrity! Des was recently awarded the President’s Staff Award for Creativity & Innovation. The President’s Staff Awards (Vancouver Campus) recognize the personal achievements and contributions of staff to UBC and to the vision and goals of the University. Two recent successful projects highlight Des’s ingenuity and these include: building a mobile research station to be deployed on Vancouver Island for a study on air quality and...

Congratulations to Dr. Celine Rougeot!

Congratulations to Dr. Celine Rougeot, she is the recipient of the October 31, 2015 UBC Postdoctoral Fellows Travel Awards. This award will support the cost of attending the 2015 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, December 15-20, 2015, to present a poster presentation. Congratulations Celine!

As part of UBC's ongoing efforts to support its young research talent, the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and UBC Science offer a...

Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Withers!

Congratulations to Dr. Stephen Withers! Dr. Withers has been awarded the 2016 CIC Medal.  This award is presented as a mark of distinction and recognition to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to the science chemistry in Canada, this is the CIC’s top award. Dr. Withers joins the ranks of the following most recent previous recipients, Axel Becke, Douglas Stephan, Mark Lautens, Raymond Andersen, Adi Eisenberg, to name a few. Congratulations!

For more information:...