Our Department


Stores - Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid Nitrogen Filling

Nitrogen will be available for non-chemistry customers daily from 9:00AM-11:30am and 12:30pm-4:00pm in the nitrogen dispensing room (D128) in the main Chemistry building.

Non-chemistry customers wishing to purchase liquid nitrogen must be preauthorized. There are three options:

  1. Frequent users can request to have a dispensing fob issued. Contact Mohamad Rezaei to arrange for a fob to be created for your group.
  2. Go to Chemistry Stores and ask to purchase liquid nitrogen. They will process the transaction and provide you with a printed receipt. You can give that receipt to the dispensing technician as your proof of purchase.  Stores is open between 9:00AM-11:30am and 12:30pm-4:00pm.
  3. Order N2 in Planon at least one day prior to coming to get N2. Instructions for using Planon can be found on the Notice tab.

               a. Liquid nitrogen can be found by searching ‘nitrogen’ under Description.

               b. The screen below is an example of what you want to get to when ordering N2.











               c. After you place the order, go to Stores to pick up the order receipt.

               d. Bring a copy of the receipt to give to the dispensing technician.



Technicians                              (Chemistry Mechanical Shop):    604-822-9467

Billing issues                            (Mohamad Rezaei)                        604-822-2253     mohamad.rezaei@ubc.ca

Order/account questions      Stores                                              604-822-3865     storz@chem.ubc.ca