Title | Size-resolved measurements of ice-nucleating particles at six locations in North America and one in Europe |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2016 |
Authors | Mason, RH, Si, M, Chou, C, Irish, VE, Dickie, R, Elizondo, P, Wong, R, Brintnell, M, Elsasser, M, Lassar, WM, Pierce, KM, Leaitch, WR, Macdonald, AM, Platt, A, Toom-Sauntry, D, Sarda-Estève, R, Schiller, CL, Suski, KJ, Hill, TCJ, Abbatt, JPD, Huffman, JA, DeMott, PJ, Bertram, AK |
Journal | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics |
Volume | 16 |
Pagination | 1637–1651 |
URL | http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/16/1637/2016/ |
DOI | 10.5194/acp-16-1637-2016 |