Title | Size-exclusion phases and repulsive protein-polymer interaction/recognition |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1996 |
Authors | Brooks, DE, Muller, W |
Journal | Journal of Molecular Recognition |
Volume | 9 |
Pagination | 697-700 |
Date Published | Sep-Dec |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0952-3499 |
Keywords | 2-PHASE SYSTEMS, Flory-Huggins theory, partition coefficient, SIZE-EXCLUSION CHROMATOGRAPHY, tentacle phase |
Abstract | Size-dependent exclusion of macromolecules from gel matrices has long been discussed in terms of pore models. An alternate approach is to calculate the partition coefficient of the distributed species between the matrix material and the mobile phase assuming that the gel can be treated as a polymer solution of appropriate concentration and molecular weight. This approach is particularly appealing in attempting to predict the behaviour of ’tentacle’ phases in which the matrix contains anchored linear neutral polymers, The mean field theory of polymer solutions is used to predict K, the partition coefficient of a polymer molecule distributing between the gel and mobile phases, The reduction in entropy suffered by the macromolecule in the gel phase is sufficient to produce an exponential dependence of K on the molecular weight of the partitioning species, The enthalpy of interaction between the gel polymer and the distributed species provides a parameter which describes the specificity or recognition in the interaction, The predicted linear dependence of ln K on protein molecular weight is satisfactorily borne out by a data set on eight standard proteins chromatographed on four separate gel types. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://A1996WZ02700057 |