Research & Teaching Faculty

Reaction of diphenylborinic acid with pyridinium and phosphonium bisacyl methylides. Crystal and molecular structures of resulting B,N- and B,P-betaines

TitleReaction of diphenylborinic acid with pyridinium and phosphonium bisacyl methylides. Crystal and molecular structures of resulting B,N- and B,P-betaines
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsGrunefeld, J, Kliegel, W, Rettig, SJ, Trotter, J
JournalCanadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie
Date PublishedApr
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0008-4042
Keywordsbisacyl methylide diphenylboron, BOND, BORON, boron nitrogen betaines, boron phosphorus betaines, Chelates, crystal structures, ORGANOBORON COMPOUNDS, phosphonium ylides, pyridinium ylides

{Reaction of pyridinium and phosphonium 2-carboxy-1-formyl-2-oxoethylides with oxybis(diphenylborane) yields 5-(2-oxo-1-(pyridinio or phosphonio)ethylidene)-2,2-diphenyl-1,3-dioxa-2-borata-4-cyclopentanones , which represent novel types of boron nitrogen and boron phosphorus betaines, respectively. Crystals of 5-(2-oxo-1-pyridinioethylidene)-2,2-diphenyl-1,3-dioxa-2-borata-4-cyclop entanone, 1a, are monoclinic

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