News & Events

A Radical Approach to Organic Chemistry

Friday, March 31, 2023 - 13:00 to 14:00
Julian G West
Rice University
Event Category: 
Special Seminar
Chemistry D215

Abstract: Advances in management science consistently demonstrate the need to radically redesign our approach to mentorship to enable trainees from all backgrounds to grow and excel as both workers and people. Here I will show how providing this holistic support to a diverse group of scholars enables us to tackle a similarly-broad range of synthetic chemistry challenges, from alkene difunctionalization to vitamin B12 photocatalysis. These disparate directions are united by their use of organic free radicals as key intermediates, permitting the rapid remodeling of organic molecules using earth abundant elements. Together, I present a unified, adaptable, and “radical” approach to developing both cutting edge science and scientists able to solve longstanding challenges in synthetic methodology and catalysis.