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Prof's Jason Hein and Curtis Berlinguette Article is Featured in Nature Communications

Professor Jason Hein and Curtis Berlinguette had their article selected by an editor at Nature Communications to be featured in the Editor's Highlights webpage. See the article here> The Editors’ Highlights webpage aims to showcase the 50 best papers recently published in an area.

Their article is entitled "Ring walking as a regioselectivity control element in Pd-catalyzed C-N cross-coupling".

About the article:

The phenomenon of "ring-walking‟, wherein a metal catalyst remains bound to a pi system as it migrates to another coupling site, is supported largely by circumstantial evidence. This study provides the first direct measurement of the phenomenon via an in-depth kinetic study of Buchwald-Hartwig animations. These studies will help unlock more efficient routes to valuable conductive electronic materials needed for next generation OLEDS, and flexible solar cells. 

Congratulations Jason and Curtis!