Title | Narrowband spectroscopy by an all-optical correlation of broadband laser pulses |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2009 |
Authors | Konorov, SO, Xu, XJG, Hepburn, JW, Milner, V |
Journal | Physical Review A |
Volume | 79 |
Pagination | 4 |
Date Published | Mar |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 1050-2947 |
Keywords | 2-PHOTON, 2ND-HARMONIC GENERATION, CARS, COHERENT, DYNAMICS, FEMTOSECOND PULSES, high-speed optical techniques, laser beams, measurement by laser beam, microscopy, MULTIPHOTON INTRAPULSE INTERFERENCE, multiphoton processes, optical correlation, STOKES-RAMAN SCATTERING |
Abstract | High-peak-power ultrafast lasers are widely used in nonlinear spectroscopy, but often limit its spectral resolution because of the broad frequency bandwidth of ultrashort laser pulses. Improving the resolution by achieving spectrally narrow excitation of, or emission from, the resonant medium by means of multiphoton interferences has been the focus of many recent developments in ultrafast spectroscopy. We demonstrate an alternative approach in which high resolution is exercised by detecting narrow spectral correlations between broadband excitation and emission optical fields. All-optical correlation analysis, easily incorporated into a traditional spectroscopic setup, enables direct, robust, and simultaneous detection of multiple narrow resonances in a single measurement. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000264770200011 |