Research & Teaching Faculty

Mass and temperature effects on the hyperfine coupling of atomic hydrogen isotopes in cages

TitleMass and temperature effects on the hyperfine coupling of atomic hydrogen isotopes in cages
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsDilger, H, Roduner, E, Scheuermann, R, Major, J, Schefzik, M, Stosser, R, Pach, M, Fleming, DG
JournalPhysica B-Condensed Matter
Date PublishedAug
Type of ArticleProceedings Paper
ISBN Number0921-4526
Keywordselectron spin relaxation, hydrogen hyperfine coupling, MUON SPIN RELAXATION, siloxane cages

The hyperfine coupling constant A of a hydrogen isotope confined in a cage differs from its vacuum value, demonstrating that the atom acts as a probe of its environment. Room-temperature values of A for muonium in different cube-shaped Si8O12 units (T-8 units or octasilsesquioxanes), in H2O, and in D2O were determined with an accuracy of about 1 MHz. The results are compared with those obtained from high-resolution ESR on H in H2O, and D in D2O, and in different silsesquioxanes in the temperature range 40-300 K. Both the strong isotope effect and the temperature dependence are well described by a single-oscillator model of Roduner et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 102 (1995) 5989). Striking differences seen between the different silsesquioxanes and between the porous Optipur and bulk Suprasil reflect varying spatial constraints and electronic interactions. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

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