Title | Hyperfine structure in the rotational spectrum of GaF: A comparison of experimental and calculated spin-rotation and electric field gradient tensors |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2000 |
Authors | Wasylishen, RE, Bryce, DL, Evans, CJ, Gerry, MCL |
Journal | Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy |
Volume | 204 |
Pagination | 184-194 |
Date Published | Dec |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0022-2852 |
Keywords | ab initio calculations, CHEMICAL-SHIFTS, CONSTANTS, electric field gradient tensors, FINITE BASIS-SET, gallium fluoride, group-13 fluorides, HARTREE-FOCK CALCULATIONS, hyperfine structure, LASER-ABLATION, MICROWAVE-SPECTRUM, MILLIMETER, MOLECULES, MONOFLUORIDE, NMR, nuclear magnetic shielding tensors, quadrupolar coupling, QUADRUPOLE COUPLING-CONSTANTS, rotational spectroscopy, SPECTROSCOPY, spin-rotation constants |
Abstract | {The high-resolution pure rotational spectrum of Gal; has been measured using a Balle-Flygare-type Fourier transform spectrometer. improved nuclear quadrupolar coupling constants and rotational constants have been obtained along with the first reported fluorine spin-rotation constant for gallium fluoride, C-I ((GaF)-Ga-69-F-19 |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000165697100003 |