Research & Teaching Faculty

Hyperfine structure in the rotational spectrum of GaF: A comparison of experimental and calculated spin-rotation and electric field gradient tensors

TitleHyperfine structure in the rotational spectrum of GaF: A comparison of experimental and calculated spin-rotation and electric field gradient tensors
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsWasylishen, RE, Bryce, DL, Evans, CJ, Gerry, MCL
JournalJournal of Molecular Spectroscopy
Date PublishedDec
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0022-2852
Keywordsab initio calculations, CHEMICAL-SHIFTS, CONSTANTS, electric field gradient tensors, FINITE BASIS-SET, gallium fluoride, group-13 fluorides, HARTREE-FOCK CALCULATIONS, hyperfine structure, LASER-ABLATION, MICROWAVE-SPECTRUM, MILLIMETER, MOLECULES, MONOFLUORIDE, NMR, nuclear magnetic shielding tensors, quadrupolar coupling, QUADRUPOLE COUPLING-CONSTANTS, rotational spectroscopy, SPECTROSCOPY, spin-rotation constants

{The high-resolution pure rotational spectrum of Gal; has been measured using a Balle-Flygare-type Fourier transform spectrometer. improved nuclear quadrupolar coupling constants and rotational constants have been obtained along with the first reported fluorine spin-rotation constant for gallium fluoride, C-I ((GaF)-Ga-69-F-19

URL<Go to ISI>://000165697100003