Title | High-resolution mass spectrometry with a quadrupole operated in the fourth stability region |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2000 |
Authors | Chen, W, Collings, BA, Douglas, DJ |
Journal | Analytical Chemistry |
Volume | 72 |
Pagination | 540-545 |
Date Published | Feb |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0003-2700 |
Keywords | FILTER |
Abstract | The properties of a quadrupole mass filter operated in the fourth stability region with Mathieu parameters (a,q) = (2 x 10(-3),21.3) have been investigated experimentally and theoretically. A resolution at half-height (R-1/2) of 13 900 has been obtained for 40 eV K-39(+) ions formed by thermal ionization, With ion energies of 750 eV or more, a resolution at half-height of up to 5000 can be obtained. Extrapolation of resolution data obtained with ions of 40 eV-4800 eV energy shows that unit resolution should be possible for ions with energies of similar to 10 keV, For low-energy ions (e.g., 75 eV), the transmission of the quadrupole operated in the fourth region is many orders of magnitude less than that of a quadrupole operated in the first or second stability regions. Acceptance calculations show this is a result of the combination of a much lower acceptance and strongly defocusing hinging fields. However, for higher ion energies, the transmission with operation in the fourth region is found to be comparable to that of a quadrupole operated at the same resolution in the second region. The implications for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry are briefly discussed. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000085168200024 |