Research & Teaching Faculty

Expanding cavitand chemistry: The preparation and characterization of [n]cavitands with n >= 4

TitleExpanding cavitand chemistry: The preparation and characterization of [n]cavitands with n >= 4
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsNaumann, C, Roman, E, Peinador, C, Ren, T, Patrick, BO, Kaifer, AE, Sherman, JC
JournalChemistry-a European Journal
Date PublishedApr
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0947-6539
KeywordsCAVITANDS, chemical exchange, CHEMICAL-EXCHANGE, CHEMISTRY, HOST GUEST COMPLEXATION, host-guest chemistry, KINETICS, NMR, supramolecular

{The preparation of cavitands composed of 4, 5, 6, and 7 aromatic subunits ([n]cavitands

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