Research & Teaching Faculty

Dinuclear pi complexes of yttrium and lutetinm with sandwiched naphthalene and anthracene ligands: Evidence for rapid intramolecular inter-ring rearrangements

TitleDinuclear pi complexes of yttrium and lutetinm with sandwiched naphthalene and anthracene ligands: Evidence for rapid intramolecular inter-ring rearrangements
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2000
AuthorsFryzuk, MD, Jafarpour, L, Kerton, FM, Love, JB, Rettig, SJ
JournalAngewandte Chemie-International Edition
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number1433-7851
Keywordsarene complexes, COORDINATION, DIANION, fluxionality, lanthanides, MOLECULAR-STRUCTURE, YTTRIUM
URL<Go to ISI>://000085476300019