Title | Dielectric relaxation of chained ferrofluids |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2002 |
Authors | Murashov, VV, Camp, PJ, Patey, GN |
Journal | Journal of Chemical Physics |
Volume | 116 |
Pagination | 6731-6737 |
Date Published | Apr |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0021-9606 |
Abstract | Molecular and Brownian dynamics simulations are used to investigate the frequency-dependent dielectric relaxation of ferrofluids, with the objective of identifying features characteristic of dipolar chain formation at low densities. It is shown that the presence of chains gives rise to a high frequency band associated with the vibrational motion of dipoles within the chains. This band serves as a "signature" of association and is not present in dipolar fluids at higher, liquid-like densities. A simple theory that traps the basic features of the relaxation behavior is also presented. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000174767200039 |