Title | Cyclic enterobacterial common antigen: Potential contaminant of bacterially expressed protein preparations |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2004 |
Authors | Erbel, PJA, Seidel, R, Macintosh, SE, Gentile, LN, Amor, JC, Kahn, RA, Prestegard, JH, McIntosh, LP, Gardner, KH |
Journal | Journal of Biomolecular Nmr |
Volume | 29 |
Pagination | 199-204 |
Date Published | Jun |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0925-2738 |
Keywords | enterobacterial common antigen, ESCHERICHIA-COLI, heterologous protein expression, IDENTIFICATION, N-acetylated carbohydrate, NMR-SPECTROSCOPY, protein purification |
Abstract | We have previously reported the identification of the cyclic enterobacterial common antigen (ECACYC) polysaccharide in E. coli strains commonly used for heterologous protein expression (PJA Erbel et al., J. Bacteriol. 185 ( 2003): 1995). Following this initial report, interactions among several NMR groups established that characteristic N-acetyl signals of ECACYC have been observed in N-15-H-1 HSQC spectra of samples of various bacterially-expressed proteins suggesting that this water-soluble carbohydrate is a common contaminant. We provide NMR spectroscopic tools to recognize ECACYC in protein samples, as well as several methods to remove this contaminant. Early recognition of ECA-based NMR signals will prevent time-consuming analyses of this copurifying carbohydrate. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000220134100007 |