Title | Competition between cyclization, cleavage, and reverse hydrogen transfer in 1,4-hydroxybiradicals: Crystal structure-solid state reactivity correlations |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2000 |
Authors | Cheung, E, Netherton, MR, Scheffer, JR, Trotter, J |
Journal | Organic Letters |
Volume | 2 |
Pagination | 77-80 |
Date Published | Jan |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 1523-7060 |
Abstract | [GRAPHICS] To provide experimental evidence on the relationship between stucture and reactivity in 1,4-hydroxybiradical intermediates, the Norrish type II photochemistry of a homologous series of spirobenzoyladamantane derivatives was investigated in the crystalline state and the outcome correlated with the structures of the compounds as determined by X-ray crystallography. The results provide an unusually detailed and compelling picture of the geometric factors responsible for the partitioning of these reactive intermediates among cleavage, cyclization, and reverse hydrogen transfer. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000085554500021 |