Title | The cellulose-binding domains from Cellulomonas fimi beta-1,4-glucanase CenC bind nitroxide spin-labeled cellooligosaccharides in multiple orientations |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1999 |
Authors | Johnson, PE, Brun, E, Mackenzie, LF, Withers, SG, McIntosh, LP |
Journal | Journal of Molecular Biology |
Volume | 287 |
Pagination | 609-625 |
Date Published | Apr |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0022-2836 |
Abstract | The N-terminal cellulose-binding domains CBDN1 and CBDN2 from Cellulomonas fimi cellulase CenC each adopt a jelly-roll beta-sandwich structure with a cleft into which amorphous cellulose and soluble cellooligosaccharides bind. To determine the orientation of the sugar chain within these binding clefts, the association of TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl-4-yl) spin-labeled derivatives of cellotriose and cellotetraose with isolated CBDN1 and CBDN2 was studied using heteronuclear H-1-N-15 NMR spectroscopy. Quantitative binding measurements indicate that the TEMPO moiety does not significantly perturb the affinity of the cellooligo-saccharide derivatives for the CBDs. The paramagnetic enhancements of the amide H-1(N) longitudinal (Delta R-1) and transverse (Delta R-2) relaxation rates were measured by comparing the effects of TEMPO-cellotetraose in its nitroxide (oxidized) and hydroxylamine (reduced) forms on the two CBDs. The bound spin-label affects most significantly the relaxation rates of amides located at both ends of the sugar-binding cleft of each CBD. Similar results are observed with TEMPO-cellotriose bound to CBDN1. This demonstrates that the TEMPO-labeled cellooligosaccharides, and by inference strands of amorphous cellulose, can associate with CBDN1 and CBDN2 in either orientation across their beta-sheet binding clefts. The ratio of the association constants for binding in each of these two orientations is estimated to be within a factor of five to tenfold. This finding is consistent with the approximate symmetry of the hydrogen-bonding groups on both the cellooligosaccharides and the residues forming the binding clefts of the CenC CBDs. (C) 1999 Academic Press. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000079626300013 |