Research & Teaching Faculty

Caminosides B-D, antimicrobial glycolipids isolated from the marine sponge Caminus sphaeroconia

TitleCaminosides B-D, antimicrobial glycolipids isolated from the marine sponge Caminus sphaeroconia
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsLinington, RG, Robertson, M, Gauthier, A, Finlay, BB, MacMillan, JB, Molinski, TF, Van Soest, R, Andersen, RJ
JournalJournal of Natural Products
Date PublishedFeb
Type of ArticleArticle
ISBN Number0163-3864

A screening pro-rain aimed at discovering inhibitors of the bacterial type III secretion system identified the MeOH extract of the Caribbean sponge Caminus sphaeroconia as an active hit in the initial assay. Bioassay-guided fractionation of the crude extract. led to the isolation of caminosides A (1) to D (4), a family of antimicrobial glycolipids. The structures of the three new caminosides B (2) to D (4) have been elucidated by spectroscopic analysis.

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