Research & Teaching Faculty

Bridging the Gap: Embedding Communication Courses in the Science Undergraduate Curriculum

TitleBridging the Gap: Embedding Communication Courses in the Science Undergraduate Curriculum
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsJandciu, EW, Stewart, JJ, Stoodley, R, Birol, G, Han, A, Fox, JA
JournalJournal on Excellence in College Teaching
Start Page103

This paper describes a model for embedding science communication into the science curriculum without displacing science content. We describe the rationale, development, design, and implementation of two courses taught by science faculty addressing these criteria. We also outline the evaluation plan for these courses. The courses emphasize broad communication skills taught in a scientific context by multidisciplinary teams. Small class sizes permit frequent and detailed feedback from peers and instructors allowing students to receive valuable and transferable communication training relevant across all scientific disciplines. This approach addresses a curricular gap and results in a positive learning experience for students.