Title | Atmospheric pressure photoionization for ionization of both polar and nonpolar compounds in reversed-phase LC/MS |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2006 |
Authors | Robb, DB, Blades, MW |
Journal | Analytical Chemistry |
Volume | 78 |
Pagination | 8162-8164 |
Date Published | Dec |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 0003-2700 |
Abstract | Atmospheric pressure photoionization can provide high ionization efficiency simultaneously to both polar and nonpolar compounds delivered in reversed-phase solvent. The method to achieve this utilizes toluene as a dopant and simply requires that the solvent flow be limited so that reactions between toluene photoions and the organic component of the solvent are not driven to completion. Under these conditions, toluene photoions remain in the source for ionizing nonpolar compounds via charge exchange ( electron transfer), while protonated solvent ions are available for proton-transfer reactions with polar molecules. The reagent ion mixture is then suitable for ionizing a wide range of both polar and nonpolar compounds. The critical effect of solvent flow rate is demonstrated here with results for a test analyte, 9-methylanthracene, which may be ionized by either charge exchange or proton transfer. For a solvent of 50: 50 methanol/ water (v/v), lowering the flow from 200 to 50 mu L min(-1) results in a 10 x increase in charge exchange ionization efficiency-further flow reductions provide even greater enhancements. This method is compatible with sample delivery by direct infusion and micro- and narrow-bore LC, as well as conventional LC using a flow splitter. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000242405300042 |