Title | Adsorption and Structure of Water on Kaolinite Surfaces: Possible Insight into lee Nucleation from Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Calculations |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2008 |
Authors | Croteau, T, Bertram, AK, Patey, GN |
Journal | Journal of Physical Chemistry A |
Volume | 112 |
Pagination | 10708-10712 |
Date Published | Oct |
Type of Article | Article |
ISBN Number | 1089-5639 |
Abstract | Grand canonical Monte Carlo calculations are used to determine water adsorption and structure on defect-free kaolinite surfaces as a function of relative humidity at 235 K. This information is then used to gain insight into ice nucleation on kaolinite surfaces. Results for both the SPC/E and TIP5P-E water models are compared and demonstrate that the Al-surface [(001) plane] and both protonated and unprotonated edges [(100) plane] strongly adsorb at atmospherically relevant relative humidities. Adsorption on the Al-surface exhibits properties of a first-order process with evidence of collective behavior, whereas adsorption on the edges is essentially continuous and appears dominated by strong water lattice interactions. For the protonated and unprotonated edges no structure that matches hexagonal ice is observed. For the Al-surface some of the water molecules formed hexagonal rings. However, the a. lattice parameter for these rings is significantly different from the corresponding constant for hexagonal ice (Ih). A misfit strain of 14.0% is calculated between the hexagonal pattern of water adsorbed on the Al-surface and the basal plane of ice Ih. Hence, the ring structures that form on the Al-surface are not expected to be good building-blocks for ice nucleation due to the large misfit strain. |
URL | <Go to ISI>://000260357600002 |